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    Valerie Brachya

    Research Associate

    Valerie Brachya

    Research Associate

    Valerie Brachya spearheaded environmental planning in Israel. As the former Director of the ‘Center for Environmental Policy’ at the institute and the former Senior Director General for Policy and Planning of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Israel, she has been at the forefront of sustainable policy domestically and internationally for decades.

    Brachya influenced policy as a member of the National Board for Planning and Building and numerous national level planning committees. Following the Rio Global Summit she promoted sustainable development and led the governmental process for a sustainability strategy following the Johannesburg Global Summit.
    Ms Brachya represented Israel’s sustainable agendas abroad for decades.

    While Israel was joining the OECD, Ms. Brachya led the environmental section. She also represented Israel at United Nations forums including the United Nations Environmental Program. Finally she both led and participated in the environmental aspects of bilateral or international negotiations concerning the Middle East.
    Since retiring from the government, Ms. Brachya has continued to consult for the Jerusalem Institute, where she has promoted a range of research studies on environmental policy, the flagship project of which was the initiation and management of a multi disciplinary team who prepared a Sustainability Outlook for Israel 2030. She also lectures on sustainability and environmental planning at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and at Tel Aviv University.

    Areas Of Expertise

    • Governance
    • Urban Planning
    • Urban Sustainability

    Sustainability Outlook 2030: Environmental Futures for Israel

    Pub No. 407

    2010 | Authors: Valerie Brachya...

    Urban Sustainability - Making It Happen

    Executive Summary

    2017 | Authors: Valerie Brachya, Tami Gavrieli, Tami Gavrieli, Gal...