
Annual Report 2018

We are pleased to present our 2018 Annual Report, after an exciting elections year. In 2018, we celebrated our 40th anniversary; we frequently published polling data and related facts; we  continued to implement our strategic plan. We remain committed to Jerusalem’s economic and urban development, and to Jerusalem’s visionaries.

Projects Portfolio 2018

Think tanks are most successful when they address real public policy challenges, carry out thorough policy-oriented research, analyze data to understand current trends, and provide decisionmakers with knowledge-based recommendations. Throughout 2018, the Institute led over 40 projects, published over 20 publications, and attracted national and i

2017 Annual Report

The Jerusalem Institute held numerous briefings and seminars with high-ranking officials in the government and the municipality. The Institute also briefed different branches of security services, including representatives from the army, the police, and local officials.

2016 Annual Report

Throughout 2016, the Jerusalem Institute continued to serve as a key information source for government and municipal policy-makers. The Institute produced numerous research reports and policy recommendations. It also hosted dozens of conferences, forums and briefings for local and international policymake