ריבונות האל והאדם – קדושה ומרכזיות פוליטית בהר הבית
פרסום מס' 88
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Main Publications Islam, Jews and the Temple Mount: The Rock of Our/Their Existence
Publication Year: 2020
Prof. Yitzhak Reiter, Dvir Dimant
This study presents the first comprehensive survey of the abundant early Islamic sources that recognize the historical Jewish bond to the Temple Mount (Masjid al-Aqsa) and Jerusalem. Analyzing these sources in light of the views of contemporary Muslim religious scholars, thinkers and writers, who – in the context of the Arab-Israeli conflict – deny any Jewish ties to the Temple Mount and promote the argument that no Jewish Temple ever stood on the Temple Mount.
The Eroding Status-Quo: Power Struggles on the Temple Mount
Pub No. 468
2017 | Authors: Prof. Yitzhak Reiter
גאו-פוליטיקה של יצירת פנתיאון: קבורתו של מוחמד עלי באל-חַרַם אל-שריף/הר-הבית, 1931
פרסום מס' 446
2015 | Authors: Prof. Yitzhak Reiter, מעוז עזריהו
Establishing a Socio-economic Policy for the Development of East Jerusalem
Mapping East Jerusalem Neighborhoods
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and Peace Process