Of Jerusalem ’s non-Ultra-Orthodox, Jewish neighborhoods, the youngest median ages per neighborhood were recorded in Har Homa (21), Givat Mordechai (23) and French Hill (26). Conversely, the highest neighborhood median ages were recorded in Kiryat Wolfson (68), Nayot, Neve Geranot and Neve Sha’anan (47) and Talbiye (45).
Among Jerusalem ’s Ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods, the lowest neighborhood median ages were recorded in Kiryat Keminitz in Neve Yaakov (15), Ramat Shlomo (16), Me’a Shearim and Batei Ungerin (16). The highest neighborhood median ages were found in Kenesset and Batei Broida (31), Sha’arei Hesed (25), Har Nof and Bayit VeGan (20).
A similar study of Arab neighborhoods could not be performed for lack of available data.
The graph below shows that non-Ultra-Orthodox localities surrounding Jerusalem had a higher median age than in Jerusalem , while localities surrounding Jerusalem with large Ultra-Orthodox populations had a lower median age than in Jerusalem .