| 2020 | 20:30
Jerusalem Facts and Trends 2020
In English
In English

A lecture by Lior Schillat, Director General, Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research
Do good fences really make good neighbors? Lior Shchillat, a more than 25-year veteran of Jerusalem’s policy and business worlds, and previously a member of the planning team for the city’s controversial Security Fence project, could give you an answer—but one based in facts, not emotion.
As director-general of the Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research, Lior has amassed and analyzed data about almost every aspect of the city and insists that the numbers never fail to surprise. More importantly, they can offer new ways of thinking about Jerusalem security, economy, educational system, and more. Join Lior for the “Jerusalem Facts and Trends 2020″ lecture,” a fascinating survey of the current state of the city, its challenges, and the (facts-based) reasons for optimism.
Because Without the Facts, You’re Just Another Person with an Opinion.
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