The Potential Demand for Haredi High School Yeshiva Studies
Main Publications The Potential Demand for Haredi High School Yeshiva Studies
Publication Year: 2018
Bezalel Cohen, Amiram Gonen, Eliezer Hayun
The development of Haredi high school yeshivas as a normative educational track for high school-aged students in Haredi society, in parallel to the existing track of ‘Yeshivot Ketanot’, is essential in order to enhance access to higher education and increase employment opportunities for young Haredim. During the past fifteen years there have been significant developments in Haredi society, leading to ever-increasing participation on the part of Haredi men in the employment market and higher education in Israel. These developments point to a steadily growing potential demand by parents who seek to send their sons to institutions that offer a comprehensive core studies curriculum.
The Survey
The Center for the Study of Haredi Society, based at the Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research, conducted a study that used a sample survey to assess the potential demand for Haredi high school Yeshiva studies.
Survey Questions
- Who is willing to send their son to a Haredi high school Yeshiva? The second question regarding the factors that might lead someone to send their son to a high school Yeshiva included the following possible answer: “I have no problem sending my son to a Haredi high school Yeshiva.” This response identified the respondent as contributing to the potential demand for Haredi high school Yeshiva studies;
- Who opposes sending their son to a Haredi high school Yeshiva? The first question regarding the factors that might lead a Haredi person to send their son to a high school Yeshiva included the following possible answer: “Under no circumstances would I send my son to a Haredi high school Yeshiva.” This response identified the respondent as being opposed to such studies, and therefore he or she does not contribute to the potential demand for Haredi high school Yeshiva studies. In the analysis of our findings, those who responded in this manner were classified as “opposed.”
Respondent Questions
- Which factors might lead to a decision to send a son to a Haredi high school Yeshiva? Each respondent was presented with a list of possible answers and could select more than one answer;
- Which factors might lead to a decision not to send a son to a Haredi high school Yeshiva? Each respondent was presented with a list of possible answers and could select more than one answer.
In addition, this section examined some of the factors that correlate willingness or opposition to sending a son to a Haredi high school Yeshiva with a specific Haredi stream, as well as other social variables. The forthcoming third publication in this series will present correlations with other social variables, as well as the correlation between attitudes towards sending a son to a Haredi high school Yeshiva, on the one hand, and the proximity of Haredi youth enrolled in a Haredi high school Yeshiva (for example, a member of the extended family, a neighbor’s son, or a friend of the son), on the other hand.
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Ultra-orthodox High Schools (Yeshivas)
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