Regional Innovation Strategy to Promote Growth in Jerusalem
Regional Development of the Galilee
Targeted policy for promoting the biotechnology sector
Regional Innovation Strategy to Promote Growth in Jerusalem
2012 | Authors: Dan Kaufmann, Naomi Solomon, Dan Bendal, Asaf Malc...
Regional Development of the Galilee
Targeted policy for promoting the biotechnology sector
2012 | Authors: Dan Kaufmann...
Targeted R&D Policy Promoting Biotechnology: A Generalized Toolkit for Policymakers - Annexes
2011 | Authors: Dan Kaufmann, Oz Gora...
Targeted R&D Policy Promoting Biotechnology: A Generalized Toolkit for Policymakers
2011 | Authors: Dan Kaufmann, Oz Gora...
TARGET Policy Report Promoting the Biotechnology Sector
2011 | Authors: Dan Kaufmann, Oz Gora...
Closing Conference on Targeted R&D Policy
Radak 20, Jerusalem