Jerusalem- Facts and Trends 2012
Pub No. 423
Jerusalem- Facts and Trends 2013
Pub No. 427
Jerusalem- Facts and Trends 2014
Pub No. 438
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Publication Year: 2011
Jerusalem Facts and Trends is one of the Institute’s premier publications. It is an accessible guide through which anyone from a variety of fields can find useful information on Jerusalem. The publication analyzes the complex reality that is ‘modern Jerusalem’ and examines the area, the diverse populations that inhabit the city, employment, education, construction and tourism. The data used in the publication is largely drawn from the Institute’s Statistical Yearbook of Jerusalem, published annually.
Over the years, there has been an evident decline in the proportionate size of Jerusalem’s Jewish population, with a concomitant increase in the proportion of the Arab population. The proportion of the Jewish population fell from 74% in 1967 to 72% in 1980, to 68% in 2000, and to 64% in 2009. Simultaneously the Arab population rose from 26% in 1967 to 28% in 1980, to 32% in 2000, and to 36% in 2009.
The proportion of the Arab population in Jerusalem (36%) is high in comparison to the Arab population of Israel as a whole (20%), of Haifa (10%), and of Tel Aviv (4%).
The rate of labor force participation among Jerusalem women was only 39%, compared to 61% in Tel Aviv, 53% in Haifa, and 52% in Israel. The particularly low rate of Arab women in the labor force is a contributing factor in the low rate of participation among Jerusalem women. The rate of participation among the Jewish women of Jerusalem was 51%, compared to only 13% among Arab women.
In 2009, households without a breadwinner in Jerusalem had an average of 3.7 children per household, compared to 2.6 children on average in households with two breadwinners, and 2.1 children on average in households with three or more breadwinners.
Jerusalem- Facts and Trends 2012
Pub No. 423
2012 | Authors: Michal Korach, Dr. Maya Choshen, Yair Assaf-Shapira, Aviel Yelinek, Eitan Bluer
Jerusalem- Facts and Trends 2013
Pub No. 427
2013 | Authors: Michal Korach, Dr. Maya Choshen, Yael Israeli, Inbal Doron, Yair Assaf-Shapira