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    Evaluation Research and Project Development

    About Evaluation Research, and Who Needs It?

    Government agencies, municipal bodies, and third-sector organizations routinely run large projects intending to generate significant social and economic changes. Vast amounts of time and resources are invested in these projects. The ability to successfully address complex social challenges requires professionalism, reliability, efficiency, constant learning, and improvement. Frequently, project operators and policymakers lack the proper tools to evaluate performance and measure effectiveness: they are uncertain of their success, searching for ways that can accurately assess their activities and understand the impact of the processes they drive.

    Evaluation research and project development processes enable the use of a professional external eye for planning, ensuring the accuracy of work processes, goal setting, and formulating achievements. Assessment tools are a strategic resource for policymakers, executives, and social agencies that enable them to maximize the impact of their projects and create profound change in social, urban, or national areas.

    Why Choose the Jerusalem Institute?

    The Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research assists government ministries, local authorities, philanthropic foundations, and third-sector organizations in evaluation processes. This is done using a variety of innovative research and methodological tools, by a team of diverse and highly experienced experts. The Institute has rich research experience in the fields of policy and society for the past 40 years; its research has been the basis for decision-making processes and agenda determination regarding social and economic issues in Israel.

    The Institute’s researchers were involved, among others, in designing the Jerusalem Economic Development Program (“Marom Program“) in the fields of academia and biotech, formulating government policy on the coastal cliff (Read, in Hebrew) and the Dead Sea, and more recently, in defining the European Union’s policy on circular economy and in advising Government Decision No. 3790 concerning economic and social development in East Jerusalem.

    The Jerusalem Institute’s evaluation unit is currently involved in large-scale projects, including strategic thinking on tackling poverty in Jerusalem (Read, in Hebrew), an initiative promoting sustainable transportation in the cities of Hasharon (Read, in Hebrew), the development of high-tech and bio-tech industries in Jerusalem, evaluation of the Comprehensive Program for Child Development in East Jerusalem, evaluation of public participation processes within the government program for socio-economic development in East Jerusalem, and more.


    Invaluable Research, Forever

    We recommend supplementing any social investment with evaluation research throughout the entirety of the project’s stages—from the early planning stages until the end of implementation—as to produce a “learning assessment” that will enable you to identify strengths and vulnerabilities and refine your activity goals throughout its existence. Focused short-term evaluation studies can also be performed, based on data collection through specialized questionnaires with targeted data analysis.

    During the evaluation process, project managers are exposed to strategic tracking and thinking tools that enrich them personally and professionally which can be continually applied in their future work as managers and leaders. These tools make it possible to perfect and develop project management capabilities, exhaust learning processes, produce knowledge and data, and of course – make excellent organizational decisions.

    Our Professional Team

    The Institute’s staff includes researchers with expertise in diverse fields of knowledge. Researchers at the Institute have many years of experience in conducting in-depth professional research and advising policies for national governments, municipalities, philanthropic foundations, and civil society organizations. Our team members equipped with post-graduate degrees and are versed in a variety of research methodologies. Our researchers build the evaluation studies in full and impartial cooperation with the commissioners; provide personalized advice and guidance; and, as part of the project work, become their consultants.

    Write Us

    Contact the head of assessment and evaluation, Efrat Saar –

    Evaluation Tools at Your Service:

    Knowledge Map


    Knowledge Map is a learning tool for reviewing broad-based information and knowledge that helps explore strategic directions to make decisions supported by reliable data from the state and the world before entering a new project or field.


    Basic concepts, relevant data in the field, theoretical review, benchmarks and case studies from both Israel and the international world, mapping players and prospective partners.


    Rapid results, up to 3 months.

    Strategic Evaluation Research


    A comprehensive 360° assessment for a long-term project helps effectively implement the project and adjust its inputs to achieve better results. This tool enables the organization to learn “on the go”, identify real-time challenges, improve its management capabilities, and reflect on successes.


    Accuracy of objectives, results, and success metrics; impact and impact assessment; economic evaluation and feasibility study for project expansion (Upscaling).


    Dependent on project duration.


    Building and Analyzing Questionnaires


    A simple, fast, and focused assessment tool that allows you to ask specific questions about a project or course you are leading and receive the answers while as you begin the project.


    Sharpening the project objectives, translating the desired information into an application questionnaire tailored to the various target audiences, analyzing the data, and formulating a professional research report that includes findings, insights, and recommendations for the future.


    Producing insights in a short time.

    Individual Consultation and Guidance


    Consultation hours for independent assessment with professional guidance from the Institute’s experts, according to the organization’s needs.


    Relevant professional knowledge addressing a targeted need, for example: setting project goals and building success metrics; building a set of relevant indicators for measuring results and progress; adapting research tools to the needs of an internal assessment or understanding your impact model. The guidance is designed to enable you to develop new internal professional capabilities.


    By individual decision.

    Write Us

    Contact the head of assessment and evaluation, Efrat Saar –