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    Servicizing Policy for Resource Efficient Economy

    2012 - 2015
    Research Type: Policy Research

    SPREE project officially ended in July 2015. The research continues independently by the different research groups within the project. Have look at the fruitful result of the project: The Servicizing Policy Packages

    SPREE project (Servicizing Policy for Resource Efficient Economy) was a three-year project within the environment theme under the European Commision’s Seventh Framework Program (FP7). The aim of SPREE project was to identify potential “Servicizing Policy Packages” for the establishment of Servicizing systems which facilitate the transition from selling products to providing services.

    The project was managed by Yael Marom and coordinated by Inbar Gordon

    About the project

    The Challenge

    Green growth policies, improving resource productivity through supply side measures such as supporting eco-innovation or facilitating sustainable use of raw materials, have achieved only relative decoupling since they have inevitably led to rebound effects through the increased scale of consumption. The challenge is to design policy instruments which integrate both supply and demand side policies influencing both production and consumption patterns together with positive societal effects. SPREE Project is constructed with the overarching goal to assist and enhance the development of a resource-efficient Europe, characterized by an absolute decoupling of economic growth and social prosperity from unsustainable use of resources.

    Spree Approach

    SPREE project proposes to face this challenge through Servicizing policy directed at achieving absolute decoupling together with positive societal advantages. Servicizing systems facilitate the transition from selling products to providing services. Such transactions include renting cars instead of buying them; contracting services of irrigation instead of acquiring irrigation systems; or securing server capacity instead of procuring computers. Servicizing can provide an incentive for suppliers to increase the durability of the products by changing their business models and redesigning products. On the other hand, consumers are provided with the economic incentive to use products in a more efficient way. It may thus be seen that Servicizing has an unprecedented potential to radically modify production and consumption patterns and to achieve absolute decoupling of economy, ecology and societal change. The transition from products to services and its potential economic, environmental and social effects will be evaluated in different perspectives, looking at consumer behaviors, infrastructure, eco-innovation, business models and policy aspects around that topic. These issues will be demonstrated via three distinctly different case studies: water, mobility and agri-food.

    Key Facts:

    • Funding Scheme: European Commission's Seventh Framework Program 
    • EU Contribution: 2,400,000 € 
    • Grant Agreement No. 308376 
    • Project Coordinator:  Prof. Eugenijus Butkus, Research Council of Lithuania 
    • Project Manager:  Ms. Yael Marom, The Jerusalem Institute
    Extended Information
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