Anti-Poverty Strategies in Jerusalem
Main Publications Anti-Poverty Strategies in Jerusalem

Publication Year: 2006
Idit Weiss, Johnny Gal
Jerusalem is one of the poorest cities in Israel. This research uses a review of literature from other welfare states as well data from Jerusalem and other cities in Israel to indicate if the local anti- poverty strategies can contribute to alleviating poverty.
A Brighter Economic Future
The goal of this paper is to explore options for the adoption of local anti-poverty strategies in Jerusalem. The recommendations in this paper are intended to complement efforts to combat poverty and exclusion on a national level. Clearly the brunt of the responsibility for combating poverty in Jerusalem, as elsewhere in Israel, must be borne by the state and its agencies. Nonetheless, a review of iterature from other welfare states as well as data from Jerusalem and other cities in Israel indicate that local anti-poverty strategies can contribute to an alleviating of poverty.
Guidlines for the strategy include, but are not limited to:
- Creating an organizational structure which includes: a public advisory board comprising the relevant community actors; a municipal steering committee headed by the city’s mayor, that will set municipal policy in the form of a coherent and comprehensive plan of action; and an executive committee for poverty alleviation situatied within the welfare department and charged with implementation.
- Corporate cooperation: A successful anti-poverty strategy requires cooperation with other state- and local- level agencies. It is recommended that the municipality strengthen its ties with these agencies, preferably under the auspices of a national authority for dealing with poverty.
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